Why You'll Love Polygon

Thousands of members trust Polygon to help them gain invaluable knowledge, and find unique trading opportunities that significantly impact the year over year growth of their jewelry businesses.

Get the Best Prices

Thousands of jewelry wholesalers on Polygon.net compete for your business, so you know you always get the lowest possible price.

Stay One Step Ahead of Your Competitors

Polygon's unique community of successful independent jewelry professionals is ready and willing to share the secrets of their success. Gain valuable insight and grow your business.

Always Have What Your Customer Wants

Retail jewelers like Polygon.net because it is a one-stop-shop for everything they need, even hard to find items.

Run Lean. Less Inventory, Fewer Employees, No Time Wasted

Stock only your top sellers and use Polygon.net to source everything else from hundreds of wholesale suppliers instantly.

Lower Your Costs

Polygon allows suppliers to significantly cut their marketing costs while improving their marketing reach.

Increase Your Sales
Polygon has successfully helped thousands of jewelers over the years and has become their #1 sales channel.

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Success Stories

"Our sales are up. Our revenues are up. And our profits are up. The secret is Polygon."

Bernie Benavlez | Master Jewelers

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