Insider Exchange

Kays is Coming to Our Shopping Center


Kays is coming to our center. They are a TOTALLY different store than us, but I was worried about the potential loss of customers. Any ideas?

Polygon Member 17562


Sharpen your bench skills and make sure you have all parts needed to handle what comes in the door when Kay cannot deliver. They are going to bring you more traffic. Control your market, do good work, provide super fast service. Consider it a blessing.

Polygon Member 08161

They'll bring a lot of jewelry buying foot traffic to your shopping center, and some overflow traffic to you. You'll outmanoeuvre them every time on head to head bids. Encourage your customers to check out Kay’s with a critical eye and they'll see the differences in quality, service and employee knowledge. I've always encouraged my customers to shop around, but I ask that they call me last.

Polygon Member 141140

You'd be amazed how RATTLED a Kay's employee will be when the customer coming in to view their diamond pulls out their own eye loupe! For a few bucks you can kill their sale.

Polygon Member 06465

Build up your estate case. Get some of the better pieces at our prices here on Poly. Now you have your own $99.00 section. My biggest objections are: 1. “I can trade my ring up when the time comes”. Yes, for double what you paid, and on something you already paid an extra 50% for compared to mine. 2. “They have insurance”. Yes, on the lost stone, but read the fine print - if you miss inspection you are not covered, so spend half that money and add it to your home owners insurance with the appraisal I provide. 3. “They have credit”. Sure they do, at 19%. Get a signature loan, it’s cheaper. 4. “They have a service plan for sizing, cleaning”. I do also, and mine is free for the lifetime of the ring (rings over $2500.00)

Polygon Member 87707

For #4, one of my difficult customers asked me, "What if you retire, then"? I wasn't ready for that question.

Polygon Member 79544

Kays will advertise the heck out of the opening, and load up the store for the season to try to capture all price ranges. They will have loss leaders, build traffic and interest in jewelry, all the things you would do given a larger advertising budget. They will beat you on financing and extended terms, but overall they will help you do a better job in your store. Expect them to go after your employees, offering "too good to be true opportunities".

Polygon Member 48842

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